Download “RTJ2024 Final Report”
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final report
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Number of visitors
Date |
Weather |
Number of visitors |
July 4th (Thu.) |
Clear |
16,513 |
July 5th (Fri.) |
Clear |
20,782 |
July 6th (Sat.) |
Clear |
9,110 |
Total |
46,405 |
Visitor Analysis by Industry

Visitor Analysis by Region

Scale of Exhibition and Exhibits
Exhibition Scale
The exhibition was held in Hall C, D and E of Aichi Sky Expo. The number of exhibitors was 244 companies and organizations with 1,320 booths.

Exhibit Field Analysis

Visitor Survey
71.9% of visitors answered,
"Very satisfied" and "Satisfied."
(Number of responses:2,965 people)
How satisfied were you with your visit to RTJ2024?

What was your purpose for visiting RTJ2024? (Multiple answer)

Which products were you interested in? (Multiple answer)

What is the status of the introduction of industrial robots?

How are you involved in introducing robot?

How do you get information on machinery and equipment?
(Multiple answer)

Do you plan to visit the next RTJ2026?

Exhibitor Survey
96.7% of exhibitors want to exhibit next time.
(170 companies & organizations responded)
Do you want to exhibit at the next RTJ2026?

What was the purpose of your exhibit? (Multiple answer)

Was your PR and sales promotion at the exhibition effective?

How did the number of visitors to your booth compare to your expectations?

What type of visitors visited your booth?

Did the visitors match your company’s target customers?

How do you feel about the number of visitors to RTJ2024?

Looking Back RTJ2024 by Photos